
What is KubeMQ?

1 KubeMQ is a Kubernetes Message Queue Broker.

Enterprise-grade message broker and message queue, scalable, high available and secured. A Kubernetes native solution in a lightweight container, deployed in just one minute.

Main Features

  • All-batteries included Messaging Queue Broker for Kubernetes environment

  • Deployed with Operator for full life cycle operation

  • Blazing fast (written in Go), small and lightweight Docker container

  • Asynchronous and Synchronous messaging with support for At Most Once Delivery and At Least Once Delivery models

  • Supports durable FIFO based Queue, Publish-Subscribe Events, Publish-Subscribe with Persistence (Events Store), RPC Command and Query messaging patterns

  • Supports gRPC, Rest and WebSocket Transport protocols with TLS support (both RPC and Stream modes)

  • Supports Access control Authorization and Authentication

  • Supports message masticating and smart routing

  • No Message broker configuration needed (i.e., queues, exchanges)

  • .Net, Java, Python, Go and NodeJS SDKs

  • Monitoring Dashboard

Kubernetes Ready

Messaging Patterns


KubeMQ supports distributed durable FIFO based queues with the following core features:

  • Guaranteed Delivery - At-least-once delivery and most messages are delivered exactly once.

  • Single and Batch Messages Send and Receive - Single and multiple messages in one call

  • RPC and Stream Flows - RPC flow allows an insert and pull messages in one call. Stream flow allows single message consuming in transactional way

  • Message Policy - Each message can be configured with expiration and delay timers. In addition, each message can specify a dead-letter queue for unprocessed messages attempts

  • Long Polling - Consumers can wait until a message available in the queue to consume

  • Peak Messages - Consumers can peek into a queue without removing them from the queue

  • Ack All Queue Messages - Any client can mark all the messages in a queue as discarded and will not be available anymore to consume

  • Visibility timers - Consumers can pull a message from the queue and set a timer which will cause the message not be visible to other consumers. This timer can be extended as needed.

  • Resend Messages - Consumers can send back a message they pulled to a new queue or send a modified message to the same queue for further processing.


KubeMQ supports Publish-Subscribe (a.k.a Pub/Sub) messages patterns with the following core features:

  • Events - An asynchronous real-time Pub/Sub pattern.

  • Events Store -An asynchronous Pub/Sub pattern with persistence.

  • Grouping - Load balancing of events between subscribers


KubeMQ supports CQRS based RPC flows with the following core features:

  • Commands - A synchronous two ways Command pattern for CQRS types of system architecture.

  • Query - A synchronous two ways Query pattern for CQRS types of system architecture.

  • Response - An answer for a Query type RPC call

  • Timeout - Timeout interval is set for each RPC call. Once no response is received within the Timeout interval, RPC call return an error

  • Grouping - Load balancing of RPC calls between receivers

  • Caching - RPC response can be cached for future requests without the need to process again by a receiver


  • gRPC - High performance RPC and streaming framework that can run in any environment, Open source and Cloud Native.

  • Rest - Restful Api with WebSocket support for bi-directional streaming.


  • C# - C# SDK based on gRPC

  • Java - Java SDK based on gRPC

  • Go - Go SDK based on gRPC

  • Python - Python SDK based on gRPC

  • cURL - cURL SDK based on Rest

  • Node - Node SDK based on gRPC and Rest

  • PHP - PHP SDK based on Rest

  • Ruby - Ruby SDK based on Rest

  • jQuery jQuery SDK based Rest

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