
Send messages to a 'queries' channel command


Send command allow to send messages to 'queries' channel with an option to set query time-out and caching parameters

kubemqctl queries send [flags]


    # Send query to a 'queries' channel
    kubemqctl queries send some-channel some-query

    # Send query to a 'queries' channel with metadata
    kubemqctl queries send some-channel some-message -m some-metadata

    # Send query to a 'queries' channel with 120 seconds timeout
    kubemqctl queries send some-channel some-message -o 120

    # Send query to a 'queries' channel with cache-key and cache duration of 1m
    kubemqctl queries send some-channel some-message -c cache-key -d 1m


  -d, --cache-duration duration   set cache duration timeout (default 10m0s)
  -c, --cache-key string          set query cache key
  -h, --help                      help for send
  -m, --metadata string           set query message metadata field
  -o, --timeout int               set query timeout (default 30)

Options inherited from parent commands

      --config string   set kubemqctl configuration file (default "./.kubemqctl.yaml")

Last updated