
Ack all messages in a 'queues' channel


Ack command allows to clear / remove / ack all messages in a 'queues' channel

kubemqctl queues ack [flags]


    # Ack all messages in a 'queues' channel 'some-channel' with 2 seconds of wait to complete operation
    kubemqctl queue ack some-channel

    # Ack all messages in a 'queues' channel 'some-long-queue' with 30 seconds of wait to complete operation
    kubemqctl queue ack some-long-queue -w 30


  -h, --help       help for ack
  -w, --wait int   set how many seconds to wait for ack all messages (default 2)

Options inherited from parent commands

      --config string   set kubemqctl configuration file (default "./.kubemqctl.yaml")

Last updated