
Peek a messages from a queue channel command


Peek command allows to peak one or many messages from a queue channel without removing them from the queue

kubemqctl queues peek [flags]


    # Peek 1 messages from a queue and wait for 2 seconds (default)
    kubemqctl queue peek some-channel

    # Peek 3 messages from a queue and wait for 5 seconds
    kubemqctl queue peek some-channel -m 3 -w 5


  -h, --help           help for peek
  -m, --messages int   set how many messages we want to peek from queue (default 1)
  -w, --wait int       set how many seconds to wait for peeking queue messages (default 2)

Options inherited from parent commands

      --config string   set kubemqctl configuration file (default "./.kubemqctl.yaml")

Last updated